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[[symbol of a circle topped by a cross in top left margin]]
our meeting of board of Directors and depressed me much. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] helped m [[/strikethrough]] made the gloom still worse by all his reports of [[red underline]] business troubles, etc.[[/red underline]]  
I went to Brooklyn to visit [[red underline]] experimental plant of Royal Baking Powder Co. [[/red underline]] Mercury cell and glyoxylic cell running in excellent order. Delay in evaporating system on account of [[strikethrough]] oil in the water [[/strikethrough]] water in the steam-oil bath.  Charge 3 hours. Sleet and snow everywhere. Went for supper at Mouquin returned with 8:45 feel very depressed. Trolley cars are running again notwithstanding heavy snowfall
[[symbol of circle topped with a cross with note in left margin]] [[black underline]] 3 hours. [[/black underline]] [[/note in left margin]]
[[black underline]] March 5. [[/black underline]]  [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] tells me orders are good thus far which seems to [[red underline]] contradict May's gloomy [[/red underline]] reports. Dictating all day to machine. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] has to [[red underline]] put [[/red underline]]
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[[symbol in top left martin]] #
[[red underline]] on snow shoes to go down the lawn to school [[/red underline]] and buries them under snow near trees.
March 6. Snow [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] begins to melt but [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] still using his snow shoes to get out and in thru lawn. Left at noon went to tailor to try clothes, then met [[red underline]] A.H. Hooker, E. H. Hooter [[/red underline]], and Bush and Lister at Chemists Club in butler's room to discuss ways for improving conditions at Niagara Falls.  A H. Hooker just back from Leverkusen.  
[[symbol and note in left margin]] 
# 3 hours. [[/symbol and note in left magin]]
[[black underline]] Charge 3 hours. [[/black underline]] Hurried bite for lunch then dressed for Meeting of [[strikethrough]] Am. [[/strikethrough]] Section of Am. Chemical Society.  [[red underline]] Nicols Medal [[/red underline]] offered to [[red underline]] Gomberg [[/red underline]] for his work on Triphenylmethyl.  Then I offered [[red underline]] Bronze Bust of Loeb and made [[/red underline]] speech.  McKenna answered on behalf of Chemists Club.  The [[red underline]] Warburg's [[/red underline]] and their wives