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towards the Russian frontier, and [[red underline]] England [[/red underline]] has sent out her warships with sealed orders. The bourse in Germany has been closed and French Consols are said to be quoted lower than during the time when Napoleon came back from Elba. To night there was an cinematograph entertainment on deck. [[red underline]] Captain Bent, [[/red underline]] the commander of this ship on commenting [[red underline]] on missionaries [[/red underline]] tells me that they are usually uneducated narrow minded people, and that he rarely meets a really educated person among them. I am reading now a book called: "American Japanese Relations" by K. K. Kawakami a japanese editor in San Francisco. which explains the causes of friction between the U.S and Japan and gives a clear analysis of conditions in Japan, Korea
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and Manchuria and which seem a good refutation of all the complaints of Japanese encroachement and business trickery I have heard about in the United States.
[[strikethrough]] July 31. [[/strikethrough]]
[[vertical note in left margin]] This ought to be July 31. but in passing meridian 180, we have to deduct one day [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Aug 1. 1914 Last night while I was lying half awake my [[red underline]] electric fan [[/red underline]] suddenly stopped [[red underline]] and caught fire. [[/red underline]] I immediately turned off the switch. A few seconds later the officer on night duty jumped in my room, which was all filled with smoke. [[red underline]] I was glad to see how quickly the disturbance [[/red underline]] was detected. The weather since several days has become considerably warmer.
This evening a japanese theater was erected on the rear steerage deck. and japanese actors gave a performance which lasted till late. Gorgeous dresses, [[strikethrough]] conv [[/strikethrough]] very conventional acting, entirely resembling pictures I have seen. All the orientals and even 1st cabin passengers attentively
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