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Maru en route to [[red underline]] Asano's. Beautiful rich house [[/red underline]] all wood; at entrance girls [[red underline]] put sandals over our shoes not [[/red underline]] to spoil parket and matting
Art treasures everywhere all relating to Japanese Art. He received me very friendly way [[strikethrough]] tel [[/strikethrough]] Does not speak english so here again everything had to be translated by [[red underline]] Kondo. Asano is [[/red underline]] an old friend of Takamine since childhood days. Gave me special attention and asks me to give him another occasion before I leave Tokio. His [[red underline]] elder daughter [[/red underline]] we met yesterday is [[red underline]] there [[/red underline]] and is dressed in same way but somewhat finer material. Also his two younger daughters 
Saw the [[red underline]] "ceremony of the Tea" [[/red underline]] performed with all
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dignity and formality. Then each of us got a cup with some greenish looking liquid into it about 1/6 full. No sugar nor milk does not taste like [[red underline]] tea. [[/red underline]] Tastes like nothing. Then a Japanese juggler performs some trick. accompaniement of a string instrument etc. Then drove home. 
[[vertical red line in left margin highlights several sentences concerning the war]] 
[[red underline]] More war news posted all very contradictory. [[/red underline]] It is told [[red underline]] Germans have entered Belgium [[/red underline]] and taken several towns until they [[red underline]] were repulsed at Liège. [[/red underline]] Also tells of naval battle
[[/vertical red line in left margin]]
between Germans and British on North Sea. one cable says British defeated, other Germans defeated and many other complications. Also rumors of [[Chio clan?]] preparing for fight etc. [[red underline]] Financial complications [[/red underline]] everywhere. At seven, [[red underline]] Tanaka [[/red underline]] and his men came to take me