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very comfortably with that [[red underline]] electric fan [[/red underline]] manager has put in my room.
Aug 9. Up at six well rested. This [[red underline]] fan is great. Chinese taylor [[/red underline]] with beaded eyes comes in while dressing and delivers my comfortable [[red underline]] silk pongee suit [[/red underline]] (20$ for 2 trousers and one coat) which he has [[red underline]] copied [[/red underline]] from one of my suits. Fits very well. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I'm satisfied 
More [[red underline]] war news [[/red underline]] at breakfeast but nothing very new. Exact news of result of [[red underline]] naval engagement [[/red underline]] in North Sea between England and Germany not yet available. [[red underline]] Both claim victory [[/red underline]]
Spent almost all morning in my room. writing informal report of my visit to Kanto Chemical works. This morning got first letter from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] It feels good to hear something
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from home. all afternoon in conference with [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]] and 3 men of Kwanto Chemical Co. giving them my general opinion on situation. They left at about 6:30 P.M and I feel very tired. Dinner alone. Hot and lonely everywhere. Undertook an evening a walk alone [[red underline]] thru Tokyos crowded streets. [[/red underline]] Everybody seems out. all dressed in different developments of negligé varying from [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] almost stark naked to [[strikethrough]] dev [[/strikethrough]] divided skirts and loose kimonos from which protrude bare legs. Looks as if everybody in a bath house suddenly went for a walk in the streets without changing clothes! An American ordinary flat straw hat. and wooden [[strikethrough]] clogs [[/strikethrough]] stilt-clogs complete costume. Many bare headed, close cropped hair. Restless sleep this night.
Aug 10. About same weather. [[red underline]] Hot [[/red underline]]
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