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[[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]]writes me orders ^[[red underline]] for Bakelite [[/red underline]] are coming in satisfactorily. We drove to Government laboratory where Dr [[strikethrough]] Mio [[/strikethrough]] Miyama showed me the important points of the [[red underline]] Japanese lacquer industry. [[/red underline]] (See special report for General Bakelite Co.  Two other Doctors there all speaking english so badly that it was [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] mostly guesswork to understand them. 
Saw also some samples of solidified hydrogenated [[red underline]] soya oil. [[/red underline]] 
Busy all evening reading New York papers. Was the first in the hotel to receive them. To bed early Nice cool weather. 
Aug 19. Up at 6 AM. to [[red underline]]dentist [[/red underline]] at 8 A.M. Kondo comes and tells me that he can get room on [[red underline]] Manchuria [[/red underline]] but will have to [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] pay double fare. Told him to go and buy it and make sure of it. Discussed agreement between [[red underline]] Kwanto Co. [[/red underline]]  Told
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him it would be preferable if we were stockholders [[red underline]] for 25% [[/red underline]] of the new enterprise, our stock to be [[red underline]] common [[/red underline]] and having no claims on assetts in case of liquidation except for any amount [[strikethrough]] exce [[/strikethrough]] of assetts exceeding stock capital purchased for cash. He seems [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] agree [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] this. Went to the [[red underline]] Bank for another $250. [[/red underline]] Then Kondo came to announce that I can have a good cabin to myself on S.S. [[red underline]] Manchuria [[/red underline]] but it will cost [[red underline]] $350. [[/red underline]]
Aug. 20. At 7:30 A.M to [[red underline]] dentist who put in gold filling in my tooth. Good job. [[/red underline]] His bill is only 15 yen! Finished packing paid bills and tips.  My bill is about 284[[black underline]] yen. [[/black underline]] at [strikethrough]] about [/strikethrough] 12 yen. daily for board and room per day. Gave following [[red underline]] tips [[/red underline]] as advised by [[red underline]] Kondo [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough] Steward [[/strikethrough]] Headwaiter      5 ¥
Table-boy       3.50 ¥
Room boy        3.oo ¥
Porter          1 
Messenger boy     50 sen each