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purpose.- but he was no "soldier." [[red underline]] Oh Logic! [[/red underline]] How consequent we are in our points of view!
Oct 5. Here all day with Townsend going over all details of pending cases. Evening went to Nippon Club. to dinner of Dr. [[red underline]] Takamine. [[/red underline]] a professor of applied chemistry of Tokio ? and myself being guests. May, E H. Hooker, Bush, Townsend, Swan, May, Bogert, Whitaker
Hendrick, Chandler, Walker (of Columbia), Usui, Kahneki, a jap. prof. of Chicago, the Counsul general of Japan and the [[strikethrough]] ja [[/strikethrough]] two sons of [[red underline]] Takamine [[/red underline]] there. I and Walker recited our experience in Japan and our favorable impressions. I stated how the [[red underline]] Germans [[/red underline]] in Japan are systematically trying to bring trouble between Japan and the United States so as to
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have a free hand in China.
Oct 6. Bad news, later denied that 3 [[red underline]] Antwerp forts [[/red underline]] have fallen in hands of Germany.
Dictated all morning. Afternoon [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] came and we discussed his drawings for tartaric acid plant of Royal Baking Powder Co. He has undoubtedly [[red underline]] done excellent work. [[/red underline]] I made some suggestions and corrections. [[strikethrough]] cha [[/strikethrough]] and remained till about 7 P.M. Charge 5 hours.
[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in left margin with note]] 5 hours R.B.Co. [[/symbol and note in left margin]]
Oct. 7 Early at Directors and Stockholders Meeting of [[red underline]] General Bakelite Co. Mr. Hasslacher present for first time. [[/red underline]] Right arm still partially paralyzed and ^[[very]] hesitating walk also hesitating speech otherwise his face looks well. All Directors present and Franz Roessler also Hammon. Pure formalities 
Took hurried lunch alone at Drug Club. Then went to Yonkers about 3 P.M. Spent afternoon