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dictating. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] tells me [[red underline]] trouble with new pipestems C[[superscript]]20[[/superscript]], cracking after being turned on lathe seems again very serious. [[/red underline]] as much as 20% to 50% showing the defect and uncertainly of cause of it. This casts again gloom over situation and Demuth has asked to fill orders in the mean time with C.1 until trouble is definitely is located.
[[red underline]] Mrs. Vander Velde wife of Belgian Minister of State [[/red underline]] arrived here this afternoon to be our gust for 3 days. Looks rather [[red underline]] overdressed and opulent [[/red underline]] for the wife of a socialistic minister [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] on a lecturing tour for collecting funds to relieve misery of noncombatants in Belgium. She looks somewhat
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as ^[[like]] an actress ^[[actress]]; is of english birth ^[[Speyer family]] and speaks english most fluently and with english accent. Went all together for supper at Mrs. [[red underline]] Henry Villard [[/red underline]] in Dobb's Ferry
Beautiful house. [[red underline]] Oswald Villard [[/red underline]] Mr. & Mrs. Brown (the daughter of late Rob. Ingersoll) and a certain Mr. and Mrs. [[red underline]] Warner [[/red underline]] of Tarrytown there. I noticed that [[red underline]] Mrs. Vander Velde seemed more expressively and more loudly dressed than any of the other ladies [[/red underline]].
General talk about war and who caused it. [[red underline]] Oswald Villard [[red underline]] who is the owner of the Evening Post, and born of a german father and an american mother (Mrs. Villard is the daughter of William Lloyd Garrison) is outspokenly against [[red underline]] Germany [[/red underline]] altho he expresses himself with much fairness in the situation Tells me newspapers are all