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[[symbol in top left martin]] #
running heavily in debt because advertisements, specially financial ads have dropped considerably and [[strikethrough]] ent [[/strikethrough]] the [[red underline]] war has loaded them with heavy unusual expenses. [[/red underline]] Says several papers are in critical financial condition. Says the two [[red underline]] german [[/red underline]] papers of New York [[red underline]] on the contrary [[/red underline]] have suddenly seen their circulation [[red underline]] jump enormously. [[/red underline]] many germans who formerly never read german papers, now buy these papers which are partisan after their own liking 
We motored back home at about 11P.M.
Oct 8 Dictated report [[red underline]] Japan [[/red underline]] visit for [[red underline]] Hooker Co. [[/red underline]] Charge three hours. Hooker.
[[symbol and note in left margin]] # 3 hrs.
[[/symbol and note in left margin]]
Then came [[red underline]] William Hand [[/red underline]] coeditor of Everybody's
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Magazine who [[red underline]] wants to  write a story about my career. [[/red underline]] Implored him [[overwritten]] to [[/overwritten]] not to do it. and explained how such publicity hurts me among men of my own class who look unfavorably at any such publicity. Advised him to look into the interesting career of Dr. Weston then gave him my views on british and german methods in Science and Industry, and referred him to my Chandler Lecture on Some Aspects of Chemical Industry of which I gave him a copy. After lunch there was a discussion [[strikethrough]] on the Plazo [[/strikethrough]] between Celine, [[red underline]] Mrs. V.d. Velde, Hard [[/red underline]] and myself on social conditions here and in Europe. [[red underline]] She seems to be very superficially posted [[/red underline]]