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try to find him another position. I have told him already that altho' we intend to stand by our contract with him. I give him every liberty to cancel his contract if he finds a more congenial position. He seems to regret the injustice he has done me. I expect however some recurrence of the same trouble. He upset my whole day.
[[red underline]] Mrs. Vander Velde [[/red underline]] left here this afternoon for her lecture tour
Oct 10. Busy all morning dictating and correcting reports and letters and contracts relative [[red underline]] Japan-Hooker, [[/red underline]] Practically engaged all day at it. Charge 6 hours -
[[symbol and note in left margin]] # [[black underline]] 6 hours. [[/black underline]]
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[[red underline]] Harold VonderLinde [[/red underline]] wrote long letter explaining candidly and clearly [[red underline]] Canadian
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[[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] situation. Wants me to give them continuance of license without paying fixed royalty. This of course would put us in the absurd position of having fixed and serious obligations without practically no compensation. The latter point he failed to see in his letter.- Will arrange interview with him.
[[red underline]] Wiechman [[/red underline]] wants to see Peters in regard of consolidation according to plan outlined some months ago by that [[red underline]] Mr. Arthur Williams [[/red underline]] of Edison Light Co. Peters refers him to me. but I do [[red underline]] not want to meet Wiechman [[/red underline]] on any business proposition he has proved too unreliable [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in his statements as well as his actions. Referred the matter to May and advised him not to talk business to