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[[red underline]] Wiechmann [[/red underline]] in business matters except in presence of witnesses otherwise he [[red underline]] may find out that his statements are being perverted afterwards to suit Wiechman. [[/red underline]]
Papers announce that [[red underline]] Antwerp [[/red underline]] has [[red underline]] fallen [[/red underline]] after 10 days siege and about 3 days bombardment.
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What a sad 25th anniversary of our marriage this would have been if we had remained to live in Belgium. George would probably be now a soldier. fighting for the benefit of his masters.
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Oct 11. 1914 (Sunday) Quiet mild weather
Real Indian Summer. Everything so beautiful and restful and the [[red underline]] papers full of atrocious tales of this horrible war in Europe. [[/red underline]]
Spent almost all day reading
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war news in different papers.
Oct 12. Columbus day. Beautiful indian summer weather. [[red underline]] Gothelf and Lorenz [[/red underline]] here. [[red underline]] Hamlin [[/red underline]] absent. More war news about fall of Antwerp
Germans preparing now to use this as a center of attack for England. Probably [[red underline]] next Ostend, Bruges and Nieupoort will be taken [[/red underline]] - Horrible.
Spent all day assiduously dictating on talking machine and got thru with mostly all my belated correspondence. Miss Evans here to [[strikethrough]] copy [[/strikethrough]] finish some urgent letters to Hooker Co. relative Japanese license.
Oct 13. I went to [[overwritten]] New [[/overwritten]] Lazard frères to send a draft to [[red underline]] Frederic Swarts [[/red underline]] in Ghent but was told no money whatever could be transmitted [[red underline]] Ghent [[/red underline]] being [[red underline]] occupied by the German Army [[/red underline]] since yesterday. This leaves me in the impossibility of forwarding funds. German army is extending