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[[red underline]] I shall not feel entirely confident [[/red underline]] before orders are [[red underline]] better distributed. [[/red underline]] Afternoon went for a long walk of 2 1/2 to Van Cortlandt and back
Dec 6. 1914 [[strikethrough]] First [[/strikethrough]] (Sunday) First snow of the season. Afternoon went to call on [[red underline]] Flowerdew Lowson [[/red underline]] of England who is at the Biltmore and spent evening with him at University Club. Rainy day
Dec 7. Rain, snow and slush and wind. Townsend here all day going over pending cases. Took him to New York by train and brought [[red underline]] Lowson [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to Snug Rock]] for supper. Afterwards drove him back to his hotel.
Dec. 8. Rain and slush Went with [[red underline]] Celine George and Nina to Belgian Benefit Performance [[/red underline]] at Strand Theater. All seats taken, fine [[strikethrough]] class [[/strikethrough]] serious looking class of people. Orchestra seats $10. others $5.00. Receipts $15000. All principal actors and actresses
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appearing each saying a few lines in their favorite role. [[red underline]] Choate [[/red underline]] made short address. Very successfully managed by Mrs. Belmont.
Afterwards went with Celine, George and Nina for tea at Biltmore Hotel where we met [[red underline]] Lowson. [[/red underline]] Then went to see all together a french play "The Hawk". then home.
Dec.9. Afternoon met [[red underline]] Dr. V.d.Linde [[/red underline]] in regard to situation in Canada. Told him we wanted to do all we could to be agreeable to him but could not propose a onesided contract as he had submitted and which would load us with responsibilities without any compensation or guarantee whatsoever
Whole conversation very friendly.
Evening went to University Club for supper thence to Annual meeting of [[red underline]] Chemists Club. [[/red underline]] There is a deficit of [[red underline]] $13000 [[/red underline]] and it has been voted to increase the dues to [[red underline]] $40.00 [[/red underline]] Quite some discussion [[red underline]] Frank Low [[/red underline]]