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tell her she [[red underline]] should wind up [[/red underline]] her housekeeping give away her furniture and rent an appartment in [[red underline]] Holland. [[/red underline]]
Wrote also a letter to Prof. [[red underline]] Frederic [[/red underline]] Swarts [[strikethrough]] telling [[/strikethrough]] addressed c/o his wife at the Hague telling him I [[red underline]] have forwarded money to my sister for him. [[/red underline]]
Evening drove to house of [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] a beautiful new house at [[red underline]] East 67 street. [[/red underline]] Long conversation about past and present and future of Hooker company. He insists I should reaccept retainer for 1915. I told him I would prefer not but he insisted in a most friendly way. Drove in little car. It is very cold
December 17. Evening went to University Club. took supper with Doremus then met [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] who is so glad that the Serbs have retaken Belgrade [[/red underline]] and driven out
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[[symbol of circle topped by cross at top left margin]]
[[red underline]] the Austrians. [[/red underline]]
Dec. 18. [[strikethrough]] Here all d [[/strikethrough]] Went to meet the [[red underline]] Stevenson [[/red underline]] brothers at office with May and Swan to straighten up further misunderstanding. Met Hasslacher there. Then had meeting with Porter and Geary at their office (Charge 2 hours to [[red underline]] Royal Baking Powder Co) [/[red underline]]
[[symbol of circle topped by cross in left margin with note]] [[double black underline]] 2 hs [[/double black underline]]
[[/symbol and note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Geary fears their supply of argols will run short. [[/red underline]] Discussed whether we could not send a man to Germany to engage an expert in manufacture of oxalates. Finally agreed that Voigt would write again to his cousin. At 5 P.M. dinner at VanderBilt Hotel with [[red underline]] Dr. Weston. [[/red underline]] Parker McIlhiney and Gust Thompson arranging for Perkin Medal Evening program.
Dec 19. [[red underline]] Bad news again from De Muth. [[/red underline]] During these late days the samples on which we band all our hopes