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and ordinary solvents and which seems very hard and resistant. If the liquid is evaporated too far a gummy material is the result which then is no longer soluble in
water [[red underline]] but dissolves after
addition of alcohol. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]]
He performed the reactions before us. It was noticed that on first heating there is first formed a cristalline cloud of an unknown substance and that on further heating this cloud disappears and the watery solution becomes entirely clear. I foresee quite some important possibilities
perhaps the material will harden at ordinary temperature when spread out in film
form . Perhaps we shall be able to make a white water resisting enamel.
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I urged him to work ahead on this subject in relation to this and other problems which
might suggest themselves and that I independently would study the reaction in
Yonkers so as to see in how far it could be utilized for practical purposes. Remained
there till after two trains were missed. This offers [[red underline]] an entirely new program for our research work. [[/red underline]] I feel very much interested in this new subject and my mind is filled with it. Went for supper to Mouquin's Restaurant
rather late then took train to Yonkers.
[[black underline]] Dec 31. [[/black underline]] Spent morning devising program for future research work and dictating letters  Towards evening went to New York to join Celine
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