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       |  | B | E
thu 1 | Mary didnt work. no school. stripped tob. Bob in aft. foggy in morning, rain in afternoon.  |  | 7
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fri 2 | stripped tob. Franklin to Waldorf & Bobs. Robert to T.B. F. & F to Clinton & Marguarets. tim at night,  |  | 1
[[separating line]]
Sat 3 | Mr Walton put up light fixtures 
Mr Swann. took hay to proctor & Mr swann, tim to supper he & Mary to Washington to ice capes Brent & wife.  | 90 | 7
[[separating line]]
sun 4 | F & boys to [[Robit?]]  T. Mr Earnshaw for hay. F to Bobs at night. clear and cold.    |  | 1
[[separating line]]
Mon 5 | ^[[line over entry to expand space for that day's activities]] sold white cows calf. stripped tob all day. clear. F to Maggies in morning & to corner in aft. Insurance man. F, M & R to movies at Waldorf at night, sewed grass seed.  |  | 8
[[separating line]]
tue 6 | F to Waldorf, sewed grass seed men to see about electrict line. Mr Meinheart & Teddy at night. F & Robert to game at school [[box]] made 1 tob bed [[box]]   |  | 3
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Wed 7 | stripped tob all day. rain last night & this morning. snow storm in aft much colder. Mr Freeman.  |  | 7
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       |  | B | E
thu. 8 | Mary didnt work. cleaned out road Bob V for hay. F to Bobs at night, some cold. Franklin, Robert & Noris. to Dysons about night. snow still on ground.  |  | 2
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fri 9 got in wood, stripped tob. F to cookseys & Dysons. F to movies at night Mrs Freeman & girls in aft. Robert to dance at school. Mary to movies with tim at Waldorf. cold. F & F to try snows  |  | 5
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Sat 10 | clipped wood in morning. Franklin to Dr Badens in morn F & F. to Waldorf & Copseys in aft. got back 9 oclock, Tim Mary out with him at night.  |  | 3
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sun 11 | Mary to Church boys over on Wash't place for rent. Brent & wife. Gantt Florence & Joe in aft. Tim & Mary over to his home. F to Bobs in afternoon. (got old truck from Bond.)   |.90 | 5
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Mon 12 | Franklin took corn to Maggie. Frank to B.W.& T.B & Corner. Men to see about putting in poles. smoked meat.  |  | 3
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tue 13 | Put meat in Box. F to B.W. & Maggies. cut wood on highway F to Waldorf & Bobs at night   Kent R. at night. got fertilizer from Dyson  |  | 4
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Wed 14 | F to corner & Ash box. cut along road   Bob. F to movies in Washington, much colder tonight & windy. Mr Hart for straw Mr Pyles.  |  | 1
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