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[[stamped page number]] 22[[stamped page number]]

[[diary entries, arranged in 5 columns: col 1, date; col 2, day's events; col 3, B; col 4, E; col 5, E]]

Tues 15 | ^washed^Franklin disked land in morn &
aft. F planted corn across from 
old house out front. F & Robert to 
Dysons in aft. Mrs Roach for 
corn. F & Robert to Taymans
got Bull. |  | .45 | 31
[[line to separate entries]]
Wed 16 | Planted corn. F & F over 
on other place in aft  
Robert [[?]] picking his tob bed.
Franklin & I to Conners & 
Margarets at night. |  |  | 25
[[line to separate entries]]
Thurs 17 | Minerva for day. Aggie 
planted canterlopes & water 
melons. cut hay over on 
place. |  |  | 27
[[line to separate entries]]
Fri 18 | Plowed land over on place & 
harrowed it. F to Maggies & 
Dnts, planted tomato plants. 
F to Bobs at night cold & 
windy. |  |  | 33
[[line to separate entries]]
Sat 19 | started putting roof on cornhouse. 
fixed up tob land on bullpinch 
Brandt & wife. rainy 
F & boys to B.W. & Dysons about 
night. got 1 load of wood. |.90 | 3.45  | 19
[[line to separate entries]]
Sun 20 | fixed on corn house. F & Robert 
down on place in aft. Brandt 
& wife. F to Bobs in aft. 
cloudy. |  |  | 27
[[line to separate entries]]
Mon 21 | stripped tob all day. boys 
worked on cornhouse in aft 
Man to see about gravel. 
warmer. |  |  | 23
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[[top of Page]] [[preprinted]]23[[preprinted]]
Tues 22| stripped Tob, boys fixed 
on cornhouse in aft. F 
to Maggies in morning. hot [[underlined]]
F to Bobs at night.||.50|22
[[separation line]]
Wed 23||stripped tob. boys to school and to
marlboro. F. to Chiltenham to 
get hair cut, cloudy with showers. 
boys got some hay and straw from 
over on place| | |22
[[separation line]]
Thurs 24|stripped tob in morning, drew plants 
& planted first tob on bull pinch in afternoon 
Brandt in aft,cooler. Mary &
Franklin to movies at Waldorf.||.25|20
[[separation line]]
Fri 25|stripped tob. ^clipped wood^got hay from
over on place,planted 
tob on Bull pinch, Franklin 
& Robert to Waldorf, F to Dysons
Mary to B W. to have hair cut.| |3.00|.17
[[separation line]]
Sat 26 | planted ^sugar^ corn and tomato plants
disked land, F. and F. to [cepseys ?] 
Brandt and wife also Mrs Lusby, 
F out to make a call.
Dyson for eggs|.90|1.50|20
[[separation line]]
Sun 27 | Frank,Mary,Robert and I to church. F &
R down to Shinermans for turtle.
F & Bobs in aft,Mr Scasscer & Mr
Truman in aft, showers in 
aft. |||17
[[separation line]]
Mon 28 | Robert, to get 2 calves.$155.00 
Maggie Mae & Robert in aft.
Roland Scasscer,F and R to Maggies 
and to Bank to see Sasscer about insurance 
F to Bobs and movies. got 50 chickens |||17
[[end page]]