Viewing page 14 of 64

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[[preprinted]] 24 [[preprinted]]

       |  | B | E | E
Tue 29 | replanted corn in morning  
drew plants & planted tob in 
aft finished planting on bullpinch 
& started in orchard. showers  
Mary to Mrs Conners from work. 
F to Dysons in morning |  |  | 20

[[separating line]]

       |  | B | E | E
Wed 30 | Planted tob in orchrd drew 
Plants. Brandt & wife. 
warmer. F to Bobs at 
 night. |  |  | 15

[[separating line]]

       |  | B | E | E
Thurs 31 | replanted corn in morning  
planted tob ^in orchid ^in aft. 
Franklin to new fork with class. F I Robert
Lee to Marlboro in aft for license. 
hot. planted pepper plants. |  |  | 22

        |  | B | E | E
[[separating line]]
       | 3.60 |14.10 | 803

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[[preprinted]] 25 [[preprinted]]

June 1951

       |  | B | E | E
Fri 1 | planted tob. got land ready 
by uncle Jims also Roberts by 
old house. F to Dysons in aft  
Mary home from Conners
 hot.      |  | 3.00 | 17

[[separating line]]

Sat 2 | culivated garden. F & R 
to Copseys & Waldorf 
Aggie, Brandt, 
Robert & I to Mrs Smoots 
Mrs Gravis & Franklin home from New Forks| [[vertical text]]3.60[[vertical text]]  |  | 16

[[separating line]]
Sun 3 | F & F over on Washington place & 
down on place. Robert for 
strawberrys. Frank and 
Margaret for day. F to Bobs 
at night, rain & storm at night  |  |  | 17

[[separating line]]

Mon 4 | drew plants and planted tob 
all day down by garden also 
Roberts by old house, insurance 
man. Storm and rain 
about night & at night. 
F to movie at Waldorf.  |  | .50  | 23

[[separating line]]

Tue 5 | stripped tob all day, rainy & 
cloudy day. Insurance 
man. F to Hicks.  |  |   | 22

[[separating line]]

Wed 6 | stripped tob weeded some tob 
on Bull pinch. Mom to see about 
mill.  F to Waldorf. washed 
Wallace Robey. F to Bobs at 
night. |  |   | 14

[[separating line]]

Thurs 7 | got up tob hills over on place. 
culivated corn by old house in aft  
warmer. |  |   | 28

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