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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]]

       |  | B | E | E
Fri 8 | stripped + backed tob in morn. 
drew plants + started planting 
over on place, Seasscer
& trumnan. F to Dysons & B.W.
F to dance at school at 
|  |3.00| 28
[[separating line]]

Sat 9 | planted tob over on place 
took tob to market at Waldorf 
Brandt & wife, got new 
tractor, mary & F. to movies
in W. D. C. cloudy, F. to Mrs Smoots run
| [[vertical text 2.70[[vertical text]] || 22
[[separating line]]

Sun 10|  rain last night and all 
day today. Robert & Mae 
for day. F. to Bobs in aft.
& night.
|  |   | 21
[[separating line]]

Mon 11|  F. to Waldorf gone all day. 
clear.  Stripped tob all day.
|  |   | 24
[[separating line]]

Tue 12 | cloudy, stripped tob drew 
Plants. replanted some in 
orchid. Hot. All to school 
at night to see Franklin 
graduate big crowd. 
|  |   | 22
[[separating line]]
Wed 13|  rain last night and all 
day today. stripped tob F
& F to Waldorf in morning. 
Franklin to post office.
|  | .25| 24

[[separating line]]   

Thur 14 | stripped [tob] drew plants &
planted tob in aft F took 
me to Badene in aft. F. to Dr Badine in aft
 F and Bobs at night & to W. D. C. 
|  |   | 25

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[[preprinted]] 27 [[preprinted]]

       |  | B | E | E
Fri 15|  got up tob hills out by 
uncle Jims road, Culivated corn 
stripped tob. clear & warmer.
[[striked out text]] cut hay in orchard. [[striked out text]]
|  | 4.00 | 22
[[separating line]]        
Sat 16|  Earl Helen Maggie 
Norman & Ruth cut 
hay in orchid.
culivated tobacco.
      |[[vertical text]]2.70[[vertical text]]|  | 25

[[separating line]]        
Sun 17|  All to Pattis for day 
went up with 
Margaret, nice day 
           |  |  | 33
[[separating line]]  
Mon 18|  cultivated ^clear^ corn & tobacco 
Mr Hook. Men to see about 
gravel in aft went down on 
place. Bob, Eckert for potatoes.
Mary & Franklin to movies at Waldorf
           |  |  | 25|
[[separating line]]  
Tue 19|  Mr [Sinder] to see Franklin.
got up tob land & disked 
some land, started plant 
ing tob by uncle Jime spring.
in aft drew plants. 
        | |   |   | 25
[[separating line]]  
Wed 20|  planted [tob] all day. 
Insurance Man.  Mom to see 
about gravel.F to Bobs at 
night Mr Trumman
F to Maggies 
[separation line]
Thurs 21|[[underline]]hot[[underline]]got tob plants from 
[Lownshend?] and planted all day.
Mr and Mrs McAdnia and Patty 
at night|||17
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