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[[preprinted]] 34 [[/preprinted]]

[[column headers]] | B | E | E [[/column headers]]

[[above line]] stripped tob topped tob  [[/above line]]

wed 1 | bailed up and got in hay from over on place. F to Bobs Robert took Bob down to piscatay |  |  | 18

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Thur 2 | culivated tob. planted some potatoes. cleaned out cellar. Aggie. | [[vertical]]1.20[[/vertical]] | [[vertical]]1.20[[/vertical]] | 13

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Fri 3 | cloudy. stripped tob. got tob from over on place. Aggie. storm in aft with heavy rain. Mrs Smoot & Walter with crabs at night Brandt. |  |  | 19

[[separating line]]

Sat 4 | stripped tob. took tob to market got tob from over on place. with Brandt to St Peters supper F & R back to Waldorf for Frank. R back for Frank got home 10 oclock high | [[vertical]]3.00[[/vertical]] |  | 12

[[separating line]]

Sun 5 | Lucy & Charley for day. Henry R in aft. Jim Helen 3 girls & Eddy in aft. Robert to see his girl. F to Bobs at night, cold |  |  16

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mon 6 | F & boys to Waldorf in morning cold scooped up some manure in farm yard, hauled some gravel. Insurance man. Mary & F to movies Kent |.60 |  |10

[[separating line]]

Tue 7 | got tob from over on place stripped tob all day. got gas for stove |2 tanks| cloudy |  |  9

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[[preprinted]] 35 [[/preprinted]]

[[column headers]]| B | E | E [[/column headers]]

wed 8 | got tob from over on place stripped tob all day. I went to Dr Badens in aft & came back to Kates. Mary to conners from work. |  |  7

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Thurs 9 | got tob from over on place. stripped tob, started cutting tob. Mr Snider, Rabit T. Mary & F to movie in WDC. Robert & Renners to WDC & down on Boat. Minerva Bill & [[Loales?]]  |  |  | 8

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Fri 10 | stripped tob cut tob. hot got 4 steers from Rabit T. 2 Lang boys to look at calves. cut weeds in potatoes.  |  |  6

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Sat 11 | stripped tob all day got load from over on place. F & Mary to Marlboro & to Lucys in aft. F & Robert to store Mrs Smoots & co [[underlined]] Hot [[/underlined]] Brandt & wife & Mrs Bean in aft. | [[vertical]]3.00[[/vertical]] |  | 9

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Sun 12 | Mary to church F & boys to washington place & down on place. Robert to see his girl F to Bobs in aft stormy day. | [[vertical]]1.20[[/vertical]] |  | 6

[[separating line]]
Mon 13 | put down tob hacked tob all day. Aggie. Mr & Mrs Freeman washed. F to Bobs at night stripped some tob. | [[vertical]]1.50[[/vertical]] | .60 | 6

[[separating line]]
Tue 14 | stripped tob all day. F to Waldorf gone all day [[underlined]] high [[/underlined]] F to Bobs about night. Robert & Mary to margarets & mrs conners at night, Wallace Robey at night. |  |  | 6