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[[centered]] Oct Con
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[[left margin]] Mon 15 raked up hay,
Joe started shucking corn
got grass seed & wheat
seeded wheat F & F to Waldorf
Aggie, Dyson got hay.
man brought piece back for
Baler. nice day, put
chickens in Yard.
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[[left margin]] Tue 16 seeding wheat, shucked
corn, bailed & got in last
of hay, Aggie, Kent at
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[[left margin]] Wed x 17 seeding wheat, shucked 
corn, Took hay off truck,
F got gass for tanks
[[[right margin]]|.60||4
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[[left margin]] Thurs 18 seeding wheat, shucked 
corn, got tank of gass
for stove, cooler
& cloudy, F to Bobs at
[[[right margin]]|||1
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[[left margin]] Fri 19 finished seeding wheat.
shucked corn, Dyson got
fodder in aft, Robert to Pat H.
to get corn ground,
[[[right margin]]|||4
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[[left margin]] Sat 20 Took straw to pat Hawkins
in morning, F to W.D.C. in aft
Robert got his girl & brought her to
Brandywine supper, & Then
here Frank & I went to supper
F to Bobs at night & to movies,
Holiday in aft high
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[[left margin]] Sun 21 Proctor in morning, Kent
in aft, F to Bobs in aft F & R
to Smiths and to see about 
wood on power line Mr Clark.
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[[centered]] Oct Con
[[right margin]]|B|E|E 
[[left margin]] Mon 22 stripped tob
Took hay to proctor in morn,
"     "   " goldsmith in aft,
at cheltenham. Mrs Small.
getting manure out of
[[[right margin]]|||1
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[[left margin]] Tue 23 cleaning out farmyard,
F to Waldorf for piece for 
tractor F to B.W.
Aggie, Pretty day.
[[[right margin]]|.90||2
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[[left margin]] Wed 24 finished cleaning out farm Yard, &
Put straw in it, rain in aft,[[circled]] F out all day got home 8 oclock =x,[[/circled]] F to Bobs at night. stripped Tob [[circled]] F to Copseys with tay man [[/circled]]
[[[right margin]]|60||1

[[separation line]]
[[left margin]] Thurs 25 shucked corn all day,
F to RT. & B.W. F to Vias & to get
corn binder. Robert out
at night,
[[[right margin]]|||2
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[[left margin]] Fri 26 shucked corn all day,
Franklin to Mr Vias
to cut corn. F to Marlboro
in morning, Mr Buckler
& Mr Murphey, Robert to make call
[[vertical]]got apples & beans[[/vertical]]
[[[right margin]]|||x
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[[left margin]] sat 27 shucked corn 1/2 day, took hay to
mrs smalls & Richards straw,
mr meinheart hay, Robert Lee
to Chaple point on straw ride,
F to Bobs at night, man for straw,
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[[left margin]] sun 28 F & F to see Mr Ansler in morning
Brandt & wife, Kent, Robert &
Kent to movies, F to Bobs at
night. little rain about night.
mr swann,
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