Viewing page 26 of 64

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Oct con

Mon 29 Joe shucked corn Noris
dug some potatoes. F & F
fixed on tenant house all
day, cold, washed. F & F to marlboro
at night. | | |2
[[separator line]]

Tue 30 F to Waldorf for tube for cart
shucked corn all day. hauled
gavel for down to tenant house.
F & I to margarets in aft cloudy
with scattered showers. fixed
flue in Marys room
 | | |1
[[separator line]]

Wed 31 hauled fodder in, shucked
corn, disked land, Goddard
for straw, Aggie. Mrs
Conner & Mrs Babcock, F to Bobs
at night. Robert out with
Kent at night. 
[[right margin]] 
1.20| | |2
B 24.60 || 94  

[[end page]]

[[start page]]
November 1st
Thurs 1 Heavy rain last night & this morning F to B.W. in aft. F to Frank Wards & Vias in aft. Electrick man.
put up stoves, much colder.
men stripped tob all day. [[right margin]] .60|| x
[[separator line]]

Fri 2 stripped tob all day.
F to Vias in aft to supper & play
at school. rainy day. Rabit
T for hay. F. to B. W. [[right margin]] ||1
[[separator line]]

Sat 3 stripped tob
rain all last night snow
this morning much colder
& windy. F took hay & straw
to Rabit T. to supper at Crooms
with Brandt + wife. [[right margin]]  
1.80| | |3
[[separator line]]

Sun 4 Grace & family for day. & to Dr Baden in aft. I Church to dedication service at 400 F to Bobs in morning. Robert to movies
with Kent at night. [[right margin]] ||x
[[separator line]]

Mon 5 stripped tob. dug potatoes.
insurance man. F & F to
Waldorf in morning
got plaster board for rooms.
hauled out tob stalks.
fanned out wheat. cold. [[right margin]] ||2
[[separator line]]

Tue 6 to Waldorf twice for wheat
seeded wheat all day.
got some fodder
with loader. Aggie, [[right margin]] .60||1
[[separator line]]

Wed 7 heavy rain all night
stripped tob all day. F to Dysons
for Ament. fixed patch on
Franks room ceiling in
aft. warmer. F to Vias at night.
Robert coon Hunting. [[right margin]] 60|| x

Transcription Notes:
The right-hand column has been divided into three parts, marked B E and [[E]].