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Dec. 1951

| | B | E | E

Sat 29 | hauled in corn & fodder took hay to Dyson, F & R to BW. T. B. & Waldorf in aft. Brandt & Wife about night, Kent F to Vias at night. | .60 | | 6

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Sun 30 | showers in morning Robert out on corner, F to Vias in aft | | | 2

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Mon 31 | Cloudy. Stripped tob all day. F to Bank & post office in morning. Robert to Waldorf at night. F to Vias at night. | | | 6

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                                  6.60| |88
sold B sold E 
for year 1951 
$151.90 $85.35         50 62

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January 1952

| | B | E | E

Tue 1 | stripped tob got tob from over on place lovely day warm & sunshinie, F to Vias Adnia & Paty, Mr & Mrs Via in aft, F took Adnia & Patty home at night, Robert to his girls for the day. | | | 5

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Wed 2 | stripped tob all day, cloudy
F to Hewsville in morn.,
Cox to see about timber.
R Taymon got hay. F to Vias & movies at night| | | 4

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Thurs 3 | Cox cut timber all day,
Kent & Robert to movies,
Grace & fam in aft, 
colder | 4

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Fri 4 | stripped tob shucked corn,
Mr Cox, F & F to Marlboro, Aggie
F to Vias at night
snowed & rained,
about and at night | 6

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Sat 5 | F & R to Longers & T. B. in morning
Robert to T.B. in aft. F to Vias
in aft, Brandt & wife, Rabit. T.
colder, .60 | 2

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Sun 6 | cloudy, F to Vias about
night, Rabit T in aft,
Kent | 4

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Mon 7 | no one worked
no one worked. F to post office
to send box & check to Mary Wood
for hay, Boys took hay to McVay
in aft insurance man
Kent at night| 3

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