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[[preprinted]] 68 [[/preprinted]] 

[[4-column setup]] [[columns 3 and 4 titled as follows:]]  | E | E

March 1st 
1 Sat | Robert out in morning. snow rain & hail last night & this morn. F to Waldorf. F to Via's at night. Frank to Dysons. Robert to Waldorf & to high school to play. | 3.87 | 27
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2 Sun | F to Via's in aft. Robert to see Kent in morning & to see his girl in aft cold & cloudy | | 24
[[separator line]]

3 Mon | rain snow & hail last night cloudy today. F to Frank Wards in aft. Mr Pleasanton & McCarthy. F to Via's at night. | 50 | 25
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4 Tue | stripped tob all day. F to Margarets & with her to Bettys for Beef. Rainy & cloudy all day cold.   | .50 | 20
[[separator line]]

5 Wed | F to Waldorf in aft stripped tob all day F to Via's at night Robert to see his girl at night cold & windy. F to pay Lonza & to Dysons. | | 22
[[separator line]]

6 Thurs | cut around edge. F to Marlboro & B.W. in aft. Sent Mary cake & (tennis Racket & balls, also checks) Robert to BW about night. | | 16
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7 Fri | cut & got wood from over on Washington place in morn. Cold & windy with snow flakes. F to Via's at night. [[circled]]George Mead got 5 bls of corn[[/circled]] | | 20

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[[preprinted]] 69 [[/preprinted]] 
[[4-column setup]] [[columns 3 and 4 titled as follows:]]  | E | E

March Con 
8 Sat | [[insertion]] Gantt & Florence in aft. cloudy cold got wood from Washington [[/insertion]] place in Morning. F, Adina & I to flower show in aft. Brandt & wife about night. F & Robert to Dysons. F took Adina home about 8 oclock at night | 2.50 | 18
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9 Sun | F & F over on Washington place. F to Vias in afternoon. Robert to see his gal & to movies. F & I to Maggies in aft. cold & snow | | 19
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10 Mon | F & F put stobs down over on high way. F to Vias in aft. Robert & Kent to Waldorf to movies at night cloudy | | 19
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11 Tue | heavy rain & wind last night & this morning. stripped tob all day. colder. [white cows calf. black cows calf.] | .50 | 26
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12 Wed | F & F to Hicks & Clinton in morning. stripped tob all day. F to Vias at night washed trimmed trees |  | 15
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13 Thurs | F to Hicks in morning. put stalks around apple trees hauled out stalks. trimming bushes in yard. cloudy with showers. F to Vias, Kent, Mr Pleasanton. | .50 | 25
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14 Fri | F & F to Wards Clinton ashbox. BW & C. Robert hauled sawdust for school. Mr Via & Adina in aft F to Vias at night. Robert fishing at night  |  | 21