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April Con
F & boys to Dysons in morning.|E|E
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22   Picked tob beds, put on
Tue  phosphate in morning.
     Harrowed it in in aft.           | 19
     F to Vias at night to haul fodder
[[line separator]]
23   got lime early in morning.
Wed  put lime on land over on place 
     all day. rain about 4 oclock in   | 19
     aft. Windy & much colder. Boys to 
     Dysons, & to Waldorf about night
[[line separator]]
24    got 1 load of tob from over on 
Thurs place. stripped tob all day hacked
      up some. aggie. rain all last 
      night & today. F to Waldorf in aft   |22
      Dyson brought 1 load of lime.   2.25 |
      F to Vias at night. Robert, Kent & girls
       at night
[[line separator]]
25    rain all last
Fri   night & today stripped &     | 18
      hacked tob all day.      .20 |
[[line separator]]
26    rain all last night & all day
sat   today. Picked & hacked tobacco.   | 17
      F & Robert to Waldorf. F to Vias
      in aft. F to Dysons in aft.
      Robert & Kent to see their girls.
[[line separator]]
27    rain all last night & all day 
sun   today. F to Vias in aft.         | 16
[[line separator]]
28     rain last night and all 
mon    day today. Picked over        | 20
       and hacked tobacco 
       all day. F & F to Marlboro 
       in aft.
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[[start page]]
April Con
      rain last night cloudy       |E}E
29    today but no rain. Franklin 
Tue   & Robert to Frank Wards &
      Waldorf in morning, got 2      | 14
      loads of tob from over on 
[[line separator]]
      place. picked over & 
29    hacked tob today. F to Vias
Con   at night, some sun
      shine in aft.
[[line separator]]
      stripped tob all day.
30    F.F. & Robert to La plata.   | 17
      in morning to [[cart?]] about
      car. Brandt & wife in 
      aft, lovely day. 
                                   eggs 789
            eggs sold 
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