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Oct Con -
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Wed 8
^Robert Lee to St Marys for day^
[[force?]] [[lifting?]] of farm.
Aggie, picked corn all day
shucked corn. picked corn             2.40 | 3
at night. Robert down to St Marys           
again at night

[[separation line]]

Thurs 9
got in corn & fodder. rainy.
F & R to Copseys & gone all x x            | 3
afternoon. F to Vias at night

[[separation line]]
Fri 10
rehung tob. Picked a little corn
rainy. disked land. Robert                 | 4
to Latermers in aft. Mr King.
F to Vias at night

[[separation line]]
sat 11
^Brandt & wife & Mrs Gallon^
took hay to Garner & C. also       
straw to Hicks in Oxen                1.80 | 4
hill rainy. F to Vias
& Robert to movies [[?]]

[[separation line]]
sun 12
Robert went away in morn
Mr. Mrs Via, Bob & Adina                  | 5
Mae for day. Mr Dyson &
Vanhusian for wheat.

[[separation line]]
Mon 13
picked corn. Kicked up
hay, Disked land at night              .60 | 5
Maggie Earl & boy. Kent.
Robert took corn to Georgetown

[[separation line]]
Tues 14
started seeding wheat.
shucked corn disked land
bailed & got in hay. Robert                | 5
got back at 11 oclock. Kate.
F to Vias. Robert to get tire
[end page]

[start page]
Oct Con
[[preprinted]] separation lines [[/preprinted]] B|E

Wed 15
^man to see about timber^
^seaded wheat. bailed hay^
^and got it in. shucked^
corn. got in corn & fodder
Aggie. F took Mrs Via to                   1.20 | 4
the fair in Marlboro.

[[separation line]]
Thurs 16
dug potatoes. F & R to Waldorf
for Moor blade & grass seed
shucked corn. bailed up                        | 4
and got in hay. F to Vias
Robert out at night.

[[separation line]]
Fri 17
disked land out front &
seeded wheat. cut hay
on Bull pinch & in meadow                     | 7
F to Vias at night. Robert
went roller skating.

[[separation line]]
Sat 18
disking land & seeding
wheat all day. F to Dysons
about night. Brandt wife                 1.80 | 5
& Mrs Gatton. F to Vias at

[[separation line]]
Sun 19
F & R to Copseys & C. F to Vias
in aft. Robert to movies at
night. Kent. F took honey.                   | 3

[[separation line]]
Mon 20
seeded wheat. picked corn
F to Hicks in morning. bailed           6.00 | 5
& got in hay. F disked
land at night. Mr
Pleasanton. Cold & windy.

[[separation line]]
Tue 21
cold. dug potatoes. put them
in cellar disked land.                  1.80 | 2
got in hay. Aggie.