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Nov Con
[[preprinted]] separation lines [[/preprinted]] B|E

Sat 15
^2 coons from Baltimore^
^rainy morning. F & boys^
to Waldorf & Laplata in morn
F to Vias in aft & B.W.DC.
R to Cooks & Lonza early in                      2.40 | x
aft. Brandt R. coon hunting.
[[separation line]]

Sun 16
F & R down in woods to see about
tractor. Kent. F to Vias in aft
pretty day.                                           | 1
[[separation line]]

Mon 17
got cut logs down on
Washington place.
stripped tob. got in corn.                            | 1
[[separation line]]

Tue 18
took logs to mill. Aggie.
F & F & I to Dr Webbers at night            .60 | x
Robert to school at night
[[separation line]]

Wed 19
stripped tob. got logs out &
took them to mill. F to Vias                          | 1
at night. Robert to school &
Marlboro at night. rain in
[[separation line]]

Thurs 20
rain all last night & today.
F to B.W. F & F to BWDC F to
Vias at night. Robert                                | x
out at night.
[[separation line]]

Fri 21
rain all last night and
today. F F & I to Marlboro in                        | 1
aft. Franklin to B.W.
Kent. he & Robert to movies
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Nov Con
[[preprinted]] separation lines [[/preprinted]] B|E

Sat 22
^Robert & I to St Pauls supper.^
^rain last night & this^
morining. clear in aft                         .60 |
Earl, Helen & boy. clipped                          | 1
some wood. stripped tob 1/2 day
took hay away. F to Vias at night
[[separation line]]

Sun 23
Franklin Adnia Mae & I up
to see cousin Genie. Brandt                  2.40 | 1
Robert with Rabit T all day & to
movies at night. F to Vias.
[[separation line]]

Mon 24
cleaned out shed by
granery. Norman & Ruth
in aft. nice day.                                  | 3
Mr Brooks.
[[separation line]]

Tue 25
took corn to school in morn
got 2 loads of lumber                              | 2
from mill. stripped tob.
put implements under
[[separation line]]

Wed 26
stripped tob all day. cloudy.
F & F to Waldorf in aft.                    1.20 | 1
F to Vias at night.
Robert out at night.
Mr Brooks. F to Lonzas Earley.
[[separation line]]

Thurs 27
stripped tob 1/2 day. F to
Vias in aft. Robert coon                         | 3
hunting with Bond. F F & R
got 1 load of lumber from
mill. rain at night
[[separation line]]

Fri 28
fixed windows in cellar.
F to B.W. in aft. Robert painted               | 4
truck for Bond over to Bonds
tonight. F to Vias at night.
cold & windy