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June 1[[underline]]st[[/underline]] |B |E |E
1 Mon   
heavy thunder storms + rain all last night. Picked over tob all day, got 1 load of tob from over on place in aft. Mr. McCarthey & Mr. Mace in aft, cloudy with showers. [[underline]] cold [[/underline]]. |||12
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2 Tues
F&F to tob Market with tob. F&I to WDC in aft & to Lucys. Frank to Waldorf gone all aft until 8 [[underline]] 30 [[/underline]]. Robert to take Bond boy to Washington, nice day, Aggie. |.60|.50|12
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3 Wed
stripped tob. cut hay. culivated corn planted tomato plants. F to Vias at night. Robert to Waldorf at night nice day. ||[[vertical]]3.00[[/vertical]]|8
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4 Thurs
F down on place culivating corn. Robert culivated corn 1/2 day, F to Postoffice (sent check to Mary) F to Vias at night. Robert to Frank Wards at night. FW brought him home |||16
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5 Fri
culivated corn raked up & bailed hay & got it in, finished  getting potatoes out of the cellar. F to Vias at night. Robert to F Wards for car [[underline]]&c[[/underline]], hot (got 1 tank of gas for stove) |||19
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6 Sat
drew plants & planted tob all day, plowed up & planted Roberts [[?]] down by old house also, Mr Lusby. F to Dysons for dealing. F to Vias at night Brandt E. Robert out in aft stayed all night. |[[vertical]]1.20[[/vertical]]||10
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7 Sun
heavy electrical & rain storm last night showers early this morning. cooler. F up to Vias & to take them to see Bob up at Aberdeen. came back did the milking and went back to Vias with Adina Mae. |[[strikethrough]][[vertical]]1.20[[/vertical]][[/strikethrough]]||17
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June Con    |B |E |E
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8 Mon 
norris didn't work, F sold his calf. Picked over tob all day, harrowed piece of land over by meadow but too wet. F & I to Mr Hamiltons for tables in aft. F.& R. down on place for cherries after school. Cloudy with light showers in morning. F to Dysons & picked yams & Vias at night. Robert out on corner. ||1.00|17
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9 Tues 
Planted tob got up tob land. planted with planter. Aggie. Kate Jack Dyson & Men to see about planting corn cloudy, Mr &  Mrs Via & Adina Mae & F down on place for cherries. Robert out on corner at night. |||17
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10 wed Helens Baby boy
Men from school to see Franklin picked over tob all day planted beans sugar corn watermelon & canterlopes in garden, F & R to B.W, in aft. F planted corn for man below T.B & down on place side dressing his corn with nitraid. Robert out at night. ||[[strikethrough]][[illegible]][[/strikethrough]]|24
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11 thurs
cut hay, picked over tob, drew plants & planted tob, Aggie. F to Vias at night. Robert out at night. nice day |.90||21
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12 Fri
culivated corn picked over tob worked garden, planted some more sugar corn F & F to Waldorf in aft, F to Vias at night. Robert out at night. Cloudy with a few showers. ||3.00|21
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13 Sat
picked over & hacked tob culivated corn & tob R took hay to man at Ashbox. F+F to Angles to see about a combine & to Slingbuffs. Brandt & wife. Robert to T.B &c F to Vias about night. Robert out at night again in aft. |1.20||27
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14 Sun
F to Vias & to see Bob at Aberdeen gone all day. Robert out. F out in aft F & R over on Washington place cloudy & cold all day. |||25
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