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               January Con. 59
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Sun 18
F & A to church & Mr Conners. R home to breakfast & dinner & back to fire house. still snow on ground and still cold 
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Mon 19
F & R delivered wood and hay in aft. R to fire house. F to B.W. in morning. F & A to store at night cold. 
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Tues 20 
Franklin to Dysons & Waldorf in morn & to Nelsons in aft. rainy day. no one worked. F to Hicks in aft. R home to Breakfast & supper & back to fire house 
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Wed 21
Cloudy & rainy. F & R to Waldorf to take R truck & then to W.D.C. for Dr Dobson F & R delivered wood in aft. F & I over to see Margaret in aft. real warm no one worked. Mr & Mrs Via spent night with F & A 
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Thurs 22 
R here to Breakfast. F & F to Marlboro in morn. F & R delivered wood in aft. heavy rain & wind storm last night. colder 
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Fri 23 
F & F seeded grass seed in morn. & F took a load of hay to Southern States in aft. R home in aft man to see truck. colder. made scrapple. F to B.W. in aft. 
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Sat 24
F & R delivered load of wood in morn also seeded grass seed. F to Hicks & over on Washington place & Meinhearts in aft. R to WD.C & fire house. F & A to Corners at night. nice day
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Sun 25 
R home to breakfast & back to firehouse. F & A to Mrs Vias for day. lovely day man came & got some hay. 
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Mon 26 
N got all wood 1/2 day, then went to Taymons. F over in Va gone most of day. R to W.D.C.  gone all day. F to B.W in morning cloudy with snow flurrys. colder.
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Tues 27 
R home to Breakfast & back to fire house. F to Jack Dysons in morn & to Clinton in aft. cloudy & snow all day long. colder no one worked.
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