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[[circled]] 3832 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG 1 1924 [[/stamped]] 

(Vivian C. Serio-1)

Albion, Mich.
July 30, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.

I am the third generation of a family of Burpee enthusiasts.

In the "eighties", your seeds produced, on my grandfather's farm, such magnificent tomatoes and beans that the present market would have afforded him a fortune. At "the farm", I loved to color with my crayons, your catalogues, and, in my baby mind, "Burpee" meant "seeds".

When we had a garden space of our own, of course, we bought your seeds, and grew such glorious nasturtiums and luscious corn!

Neither my husband nor I had practical gardening knowledge when we were married, but we had enthusiasm and I furnished the important information that "Burpee's seeds grow." That first garden was a delight, and I wept when the frost killed our beans, loaded with a second crop of delectable pods!