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[[circled]] 3837 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG -1 1924 [[/stamped]]

"For Prize Contest"

In the Spring of 1921 I purchased 5 ยข packet of Loffs finest mixed Nasturtiums seeds from W. Atlee Burpee Company.

I planted a row down the garden, and after a few weeks the flowers appeared, a few at first, and then more and more such wonderful colors! from the palest of yellows to the deepest of maroons; varigated, blotched, and splashed with this color and that color.

And as Autumn came on they only grew more beautiful. Such gorgeous bloom I had never seen. I called the neighbors in to see them. I sent boquet after boquet around to people, and as the nights ^[[insertion]] grew [[/insertion]] frosty, in the morning I ran down the hall, to a window overlooking the garden, to see if the Black frost had come. How I