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[[circled]] ^[[3839]] [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG-1 1924 [[/stamped]]

[[letterhead]] "Mason Park"
Deer Park Ave., Babylon, New York [[/letterhead]]

July 31st, 1924.

W.Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa..  

[[underline]] "FOR PRIZE CONTEST" [[/underline]]

[[underline]] W H A T  B U R P E E'S  S E E D S  H A V E  D O N E  F O R  M E [[/UNDERLINE]]

I can tabulate the benefits and pleasures I have derived from the use of "BURPEE'S SEEDS THAT GROW", on the fingers of one hand, and these points should mean much to anyone who gardens for pleasure or profit, OR BOTH.

1st :- Absolute [[underline-pencil]] faith [[/underline]] that when I order seeds in the early springtime, [[strikethrough]] tha [[/strikethrough]] that when they are planted, they will GROW and bring forth and multiply.

2nd :- [[underline-pencil]] Pleasure [[/underline]] that I gain by watching the plants peep through the ground, and later come to fruition.

3d :- The [[underline-pencil]] knowledge [[/underline]] that they are ALWAYS true to name.

4th :- The use of the "BURPEE SEEDS" has given me [[pencil underline]] faith [[/pencil underline]], which in the past has been badly shaken when using other seedsmens goods.

5th :- Pleasure derived from the fact that I can ALWAYS advise my friends and neighbors where to buy ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE SEEDS, and every one who takes my advise makesAT LEAST one more friend for "BURPEES SEEDS".

Truly Yours,

462 Deer Park Avenue,
Babylon, New York.