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[[circled]] 3852 [[/circled]] 
[[stamped]] AUG 4 1924 [[/stamped]]

[[underlined]] For Prize Contest [[/underlined]]

[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]]

Fr. C.B. Pike
General Hospital
[[underlined]] Tacoma. Wash. [[/underlined]]

The first Spring after our marriage, my wife and I  decided to plant some flowers in our yard, and so wrote to Burpee for his Annual. We read up some books on gardening in the Library, and after much discussion, sowed 20 pkts of seeds, with results that astonished us. We had bought popular annuals, but the colours were distinct and good, and the quality far above the ordinary. Altho many years have passed since our first effort, we still think it our great success. We had unwittingly laid up for ourselves, many golden hours of enjoyment, we had found a mutual interest outside of our work, and that one fact is of untold value. Something we could discuss and plan for, in the winter evenings, something that found for us many friends of kindred tastes. Time and study brought greater knowledge, greater knowledge means greater interest.
Owing to bad investments I am starting life again. Thanks to my gardening knowledge, obtained under such pleasant conditions, I have found a good job in which my age is no handicap and my work instead of being a hardship is full of interest.