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[[stamped]]AUG-4 1924[[/stamped]]

(For Prize Contest)

It sets back from the roadway, that small brown bungalow, with cool green lawn and shade trees. It is my dream cottage transformed into reality; a home towards which I turn with content after a days factory work. A glance several years backwards reveals the secret of my present joy. It shows in a back yard a vegetable plot, just large enough for two.
With this first garden and the use of Burpee's seeds, came the desire for a larger one, resplendent with flowers as well as vegetables. This longing could not be resisted for the garden also offered valuable exercise. Gradually my garden outgrew the back yard but not Burpee's seeds. Then I hired a lot and concentrated my efforts on gladioli and dahlias, still raising my own vegetables. Each year my garden increases and also my bank account, for I sell cut flowers and bulbs. The profits from these sales have helped me build my home. Better health than that enjoyed by the average man is mine, due to regular outdoor work. This is my debt to Burpee seeds, they have built reality out of fleecy dreams.

Respectfully submitted,
Alfred E. Thorpe
Newington Junction