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[[circled]] 3876 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG 4 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest

Have planted garden eight years and always had a fairly good garden getting ^[[insertion]] seed [[/insertion]] nearly every year from a different place so decided I would try your seed and I have had the brag garden for miles [[overwritten]] around [[/overwritten]] around. I have never had seed to come up so well and the plant to last so long. My Alaska peas bore so much and just kept on bearing, out of one row about fifty feet I picked twenty gallons. I have never been able to raise cucumbers [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] squash or beets, thought maybe it was my soil, so I just planted one ten cent package each and I never saw so many squash, cucumbers and beets. I had enough to supply the whole neighborhood and were so early and they just kept on growing and bearing and still are, and every body's else have dried up.

My Bountiful ^[[insertion]] beans [[/insertion]] were wonderful in flavor, better than any bean I ever tasted. I planted mine very early and we had three frosts and ice in the chicken trough one morning but it didn't hurt the beans at all and I had beans ready to eat before anybody in town and county.

My Old Homestead beans are full and bearing right on during this hot weather when every bodys else have burned up. It ha[[overwritten]] d [[/overwritten]]s been a