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[[circled]] 3905 [[circled]]
[[stamped]] AUG -5 1924 [[/stamped]]

[[underlined]] FOR PRIZE CONTEST [[/underlined]]

Box 44
New Lisbon,
New Jersey,
August 2, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Seed Growers,


WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS [[underlined]] HAVE [[/underlined]] DONE FOR ME!

They enabled me, in partnership with Nature, to produce a magnificent garden on poor sandy soil. The work was tackled with confidence because "Burpee's seeds grow". Two tests, one hundred seeds each, sprouted perfect scores. No breaks occurred in Burpee-seeded rows.

They brought me "next to the ground", interesting me in Nature's laws of growth, flowering and fruitage. Their response to proper planting and cultivation emphasized the value of order and system. They made possible a satisfying hobby and a value-producing occupation. They reduced living expense. They toned up health by right exercise outdoors. They afforded the delights of beauty, for Burpee flowers bloomed gloriously. And Burpee vegetables, fruiting early, long, abundantly, in right succession, upbuilt health and afforded the enjoyment perfect food produces. And there was always a surplus for neighborly remembrance,

Burpee's seeds grow. That's half the story. But in the tiny seeds, besides the spark of life for growth and strength,is [[underlined]] quality [[/underlined]] as well. Friends exclaimed over the exquisite flowers. But they also said,"I never tasted such [[underlined]] delicious [[/underlined]] vegetables".

Appreciatively yours,
[[signature]] Ernest L. Thurston [[/signature]]
Ernest L. Thurston.