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a walk with Alfred, then with Papa, and lastly with Mama.  The boys and myself enjoyed several games of Old Maid with Papa.  I have passed a very happy day, felt perfectly well, and as we made the splendid run of 446, I am perfectly happy. (Why should'nt I be?)
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May 13th. 1890. Tuesday

The same sort of a day as yesterday.  That is the sea, but the weather was cloudy and even down towards the south it was quite foggy, but this fortunately passed off.  Fraulein is not feeling at all well to-day, but
I do not think it is really sea sickness.

It was very dissagreeable in the morning, for there was a drizzling rain, which the awnings hardly
keep off at all.  But even this would not keep me in, and with a rug around me, my umbrella up
and reading King
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