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Solomon's Mines, I passed a very enjoyable morning as well as part of the afternoon.  Alonzo kindly leant me a book called Between the Lines by Captain King.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in sitting about, watching the men play criket, and finally having a talk with Alonzo before dinner.
We passed a sailing vessel this afternoon.  It seemed to be making very little head way, and in about ten minutes we had left it far behind us.
It was not until then that I really realized
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how fast we are going.  
I had a walk with Alonzo again this evening, and enjoyed it very much,until it began to rain
[[strikethrough]] again [[/strikethrough]] and I went in Papa's cabin to play Old Maid.  The slight roll that we had had so far, turned to head sea, and all the evening, and part of the night we had pitching.
Run 436.