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May 14th, 1890, Wednesday
Another drizling day. I could do nothing in the morning but take a little walk, and sit under an umbrella.
A nice nice in the afternoon with Alonzo and some more reading finished another day.
Run 439
We had the first nice sunset, and hope for a pleasent day to-morrow.
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May 15th. 1890. Thursday

I was awakened in the night by the heavy rolling, several pitches throwing all the things over, and very nearly throwing me out of bed!  And it did not pass off, oh! no, it was with some difficulties that I dressed.  I was able to do a little walking in the morning, but that was rather hard work.  Fraulein came to breakfast but dissapeared soon afterwards.
I am reading the book Alonzo leant me, and it is very interesting in-deed.  The girl I admire very much
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