Viewing page 13 of 101

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in caracter  as well as face and figure.
None of the Potters have appeared today.  I fear they are not very well, poor things.  The run was very poor to-day, and we do not expect to land in Liverpool unil about seven o'clock, which will enable us to take the eleven o'clock train Saturday night.
Run 433.
There was a concert this evening, but as the motion was pretty bad several of the things that were to be done, could not.  Miss Mitchell played at the piano very well.
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[[underline]] Going out [[/underline]]
Runs on Umbria 1890

May 11th. 436
May 12th. 446
May 13th. 441
May 14th. 439
May 15th. 433
May 16th. 436
May 17th.
[[line across page]]

[[underline]] Coming back. [[/underline]]

Runs on Umbria 1890
June 23.   442
June 24th. 447
June 25th. 475
June 26th. 440
June 27th. 467
June 28th  484.