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May 16th. 1890. Friday

The sea had calmed down somewhat from yesterday, but we still dance around a good deal.

I read a good deal, and walked not so much as usual, for the motion is still pretty unsteady.  The gentlemen had the criket match they expected to have on Wednesday to-day, between the English and American.  Of course the English should play better, as it is there game, and they did the first game, it for 2 to 3, close.  But the next game was 4 all.

I spent most of the evening in the bow of
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the boat, where it is lovely looking at the ocean and the sky.
Run 436

May 17th. 1890. Saturday.

Beautiful day. Extremely clam.

The last day has come, and I cannot say I am really glad.  The ship always has a sort of an attraction for me.  (I think I know why too; but it is a secret.)

The morning and afternoon until five was spent on board.  After this the Umbria stopped, as we could not cross the bar, about 20 miles from Liverpool.  A special
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Transcription Notes:
RMS UMBRIA ~ The ship epitomized the luxuries of Victorian style. ...