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26 this afternoon and we walked over to see how Herbert House looked, and although it has been painted a brighter red it looked very natural. May 19th. 1890 Monday A real English day. Fraulein and myself went for a walk. New Bond Street looked very naturel, and Piccidilly seems as though I had never left it. I went to Truffels to have my head shampooed and it was very well done. We went to Moore and Burgesses Minstrel show in the afternoon. The fellows who apparently had no [[end page]] [[start page]] 27 backs were very good indeed, and so was the dancing. Some men had good voices so that made the songs not bad. It was as a whole a very enjoyable afternoon. May 20th. 1890 Tuesday. Up again, this time to Paris. I was delighted to get away from London & it's fog and dirt. The train left at eleven which got us at Dover at about one. Although we had the large boat we rolled about a great deal and I was a little sick. We had a private room at Calius where we ate