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34 delicate. Not a ripple on the ocean, and in the distance a light sail. "Apres l'operation" by Bisson. A man in the middle surrounded by doctors. The faces were very naturel, and expressed the different thoughts that must have been in such men after going through a serious opperation. "Suzanne" by Brouillet A handsome girl, flirting with two old gentlemen at a caffee. Very well painted. "Course de Chars Romains" by Checa. A very large picture. The horses were beautifully painted, and each man's face was a study. The dark hard [[end page]] [[start page]] 35 expression of ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Romans chiefs as they each tried win the race was perfect. "Un Marmiton de Clignancourt" by Chocarde-Moreau could not have been better. The boy was looking at the advertisements, and he as well as the wall before which he was standing was as naturel as possible. "L'Abandonnee" by Fournier. An Italian girl, a shawl drawn around her shivering form, the snow falling fast on her sad face. In her arms she clasped a mandolin, it seemed her only friend now. "La Fin du Roman" by Fournier, also. A lady seated on a chair with the finished book in her [[end page]]