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hand.  The expression of her face told well enough what the end was.
"Torrent sous bois" by Vuillier was lovely.  The water was rushing down on the stones under the trees.  It was just sweet.  One of the nicest.
I had a very nice drive with Mama in the bois this afternoon. Coming back, as it was much later than when I was there yesterday, we met quantities of people dressed "in their best suites of clothes."

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 May 25th. 1890. Sunday

The weather seems made to order, only it is perhaps a little warm.
We went to the American Church on Ave. de l'Alma.  It is quite large, and very handsome.  I believe it has only been built 4 or 5 years. The minister, Mr. Morgan, preached a nice sermon on the personality of the Holy Ghost, as it is Whit Sunday.  
The choir of boys is very good, especially one boy who sang alone and has a sweet touching voice.  Church was crouded, but we got seats very easily in one of the first pews.
I did not think this heat could last very long, and