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August 24th 1890. Sunday
Tuesday was the day of the dance. And such a day! Everyone was busy But we went away. That is the little boys, baby, Elsa, Fraulein, and myself; Consuelo went with us. We left on the omnibus at 11 o'clock for the farm. We spent a nice day there playing quiet games etc. When we got home things were advancing very quickly in decorations. The entrance was filled with palms and hydrangers on each side almost touching over head. The small stair case was also prettily decorated. The extension to the piazza was covered with turkey red, and the sides
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 were looped up so that you could sit there and see the ocean and sky. The extension was only 8 feet wide, but still it added a good deal to the piazza.
At five they began to put up the flowers around the hall. These were white hydrangers with geranium and a blue flower between. A sort of ledge was formed all around the hall at the foot of the balcony.
We had electric light put in for the occasion. The globes were covered with this silk stuff of red a pink; so that when lighted the light was of a reddish tinge. The floor had been well polished and shone [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] in an inviting