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were waltzing almost gliding around the room. [[strikethrough]] Their [[/strikethrough]] The ladie's soft light dresse[[overwritten]] d [[/overwritten]]s swinging slightly, and their pretty faces all smiles and happyness.  The men some good dancers, others bad, led their graceful parteners around, and listened some gravely others smilingly to the cheerful [[strikethrough]] prattle of [[/strikethrough]] nonsenceical talk of the vain creatures at their sides.
Those who were not [[strikethrough]] talking [[/strikethrough]] dancing were standing about the room talking.  Some ladies had managed to keep two men, while others were unfortuanate [[strikethrough]] ly [[/strikethrough]] enough to have none.  Some flirted dreadfully, others were reserved and pleasant, but all seemed entirely at ease.
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Some men who did not dance, and who considered themselves women haters, stood in one corner, with not courage enough to address one of the other sex.  But still they gazed, and followed some particular [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] with their eyes, if in no other way.
But everyone seemed to be having a nice time, in her or his particular way.
We got three chairs and sat where we could the whole scene beautifully.
I knew almost all the people, that is the principal ones, so it made it all the more interesting. I loved to watch who the men talked most to, and wether the girls liked some better than others, and if they showed it.