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All this was most interesting to me.  Then the way the girls treated people, for I wondered how I should do when I went out.
Supper was not till half past 12, and before this one round dance followed another, sometimes interupted by the lancers.
The band struck up a march, and two by two the people marched in to sit down to small tables and have a midnight supper. Two tables were put in the hall, and so we had a few people to watch.  Mrs. Blight came up at this time, and after a little talk with me she left.
People do not as a rule eat very much at such an hour, so supper did not last very
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long.  When it was over, the people pored back into the hall and other rooms, and the dancing music began once more
Emma came up after a little while and said she was not going to dance the German, but was going to wait for her sister.  So she sat down with us, and we talked about the people.
Just after they had begun the German, Martha came to say that if we wanted anything to eat, we had better go down.  This we did and had all we wanted in the breakfast room.  When we went up, Emma was still there, but we had not missed much of the dancing, so we were happy.
The three first figures were over

Transcription Notes:
The Lancers - a country dance