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was the same, but still I enjoyed it as much if not more than coming. The C. E. was packed with carriages as it always is at half past five. 
Franklin met me at the Herald Office and we walked home. 

June 3rd 1890. Tuesday
I took a drive in the Bois with Mama this afternoon and that is [[underline]]all [[/underline]]. 
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June 4th 1890. Wednesday.

Emily and Adile took breakfast with me, and in the afternoon we took a drive "Au bois" as usual. 

June 5th 1890. Thursday .

Papa took us up the Eiffle Tower. - You go in an elevator first to the first landing, you have to get out there to change as well as to see the view. Even there is seems high and the people look like little things. Alfred and I had taken our cameras, but they were taken away by a man who said it was forbidden. ^[[insertion]] but we had already taken one picture [[/insertion]] This is very