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62 ridiculous I think, but still we had to give them up. We then got into another elevator, which goes up to the second landing. Here again we got out, and the objects below us were still smaller. After getting in an other elevator the ascent really began for we had been going on a slant. The view all the way was beautiful; and it was very interesting watching the objects below become smaller and smaller. You have to change once more before reaching the top. It is impossible to explain the beauty of the scene, it looked like a panorama of Paris and the subburbs spread out before you. It is a lovely [[end page]] [[start page]] 63 day which added to the splendor of the scene. I bought a postal card, ^[[insertion]] (up there) [[/insertion]]and wrote a letter to Cornie, you post it in a box there. I think it is such a nice idea. After staying there about 15 minutes we came down in the different elevators as before. There were a good many people, but not really a crowd. I enjoyed this afternoon very much indeed, it could hardly have been nicer.