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very tired by the time I got back, I could not have enjoyed myself more under the circumstances.

June 7th. 1890 Saturday.

Fraulein and I both had some shopping to do this morning so we started off early. We came home at half past eleven with [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] our arms full and purses empty.
I have in one moment added to my things to think about, and to travel with two sweet little birds. I do know 
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what they are called, but I bought them in the street of a boy.
At half past twelve we took the train for Versailles, and arrived there at 1.30. There are a good many reasons which should make V. more interesting than F. and I think now that I have seen them both perhaps it is, but the palace there is so enormous that it is impossible to see one third of the things in it. The pictures are very numerous and some of them very fine. but it is not possible to stop and look at them as there are many more interesting things to see. Marie Antoinette's rooms are quite different from