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June 11th.1890. Wednesday.
Papa had taken the seats on the coach for Windsor
to-day so we thought we might as well go although
it looked very much like rain. We were hardly on the coach before the rain came down, so we sat with our waterproofs on, our umbrellas up, and the rain beeting down on our heads. 
I had the box seat going. There are 5 different sets of horses, so we changed every once in a while. The drive is 29 miles long and takes 3 hours. About half an hour before arriving
at W. it rained in 
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such perfect torrents that the boys and I went inside. 
   We had a nice lunch at the Castle Hotel, and
afterwards went with a queer old guide to see the
Chapel etc. He said he had let a Mrs. Vanderbilt about the place a short time a go, and when he learnt [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] who Papa was he was extremely surprised.
The chapel which was built by Edward III is
very fine indeed. The carving on the stalls is
beautiful. We sat down in some of them. Wednesday
the castle is shut so we could not go inside. We saw Eton in the distance and the boat houses where