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June 17th 1890. Tuesday.
To-day I have done nothing particular only wandered about the streets à la Americana. This is delightful sometimes I think. As a rule I don't care for it in London, but somehow Regent street had quite an attraction that is for London.  
This afternoon I went to Hyde Park though, but I don't call [[underline]] that [[/underline]] much.  If there is any place that is stupid, it is Hyde Park, and you drive round and round without ever coming to anything descent. 
Susie and Polly Whittier came to dine with me. 
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June 18th 1890 Wednesday
I went shopping to-day. That sounds as though I had really gone to buy things, but I did not, I roamed around the streets in an aimless sort of way, buying if I saw any thing I wanted and gazing into the store windows.  
We had nothing much to do this afternoon so we took a cab and drove to Westminster. I visited this church a good while ago, but I did not remember any thing about it. The organ was playing when we entered, and the notes sounded clearly through and through the